Leading in the Public Interest
Welcome to the McArthur podcast titled “Leading in the Public Interest”. Our podcast series will look at the people and issues involved in the public sector with a focus on local government in Australia."What are the unique challenges of working in the public sector? What does it mean to be a public servant?Each episode will either highlight the role, achievements and career path of senior leaders or will examine an issue of importance to the sector and examine how that affects the lives of Australians.Leading in the Public Interest is brought to you by McArthur’s HR Consulting Division, McArthur Talent Architects.
Leading in the Public Interest
Leading through challenges to emerge into a new future
Episode 3
In this episode, we talk with Glenn Patterson about how he has led the council through this period of turmoil and how they are planning to emerge into a post COVID-19 future.
About our guest speaker
Glenn Patterson is the CEO of Casey Council located in the south eat of Melbourne. It is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Victoria. Prior to joining Casey Glenn was the long-serving CEO at Yarra Ranges Council.
Casey Council has faced a number of significant challenges in the last 18 months including being the subject of a yet to be completed IBAC investigation into Council corruption, the sacking of the Council and appointment of administrators and then the impact of COVID-19.